Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consider the role and influence shop stewards and union activists in Essay

Consider the role and influence shop stewards and union activists in Contemporary UK industrial relations - Essay Example In the large industrial plants, where lots of members of different unions had been employed, there it was found that at least twenty stewards were representing various departments (Glascott, 19710). Salamon’s statement is also vital in this respect. He stated â€Å"The role tended to move away from being a passive guardian of the union’s collective agreements negotiated at the national level to one of direct negotiations with management.† The phrase refers to the British Winter of 1978-79. After 1926, this period has been marked as the largest stoppage of labour due to the widespread strikes. A horrible condition prevailed in the country at that time as there was a shortage of food. It had a great social and political impact. It led to declining influence of the trade union. The membership of trade union was halved. This period caused rise of ‘Militant Tendency’. The manufacturing base of the Britain has been badly affected. During this period, the base of the old labour force had reduced and a new workforce was building up (Conservapedia, n.d.). The origin of the existence of the trade unions can be traced to the eighteenth century. During the period, a rapid expansion took place in the industrial society. Because of such changes, lots of women, rural workers and children had been involved in the workforce. Most of them were un-skilled or semi-skilled labor. This pool of labors spontaneously organized and at the later stage developed and founded trade unions. According to Smith, unions were not legal in most of the countries. For attempting to organize and develop unions, the leaders faced severe penalties. In spite of this, the unions were formed to acquire political powers. It resulted in body of labor law which not only codified the association between the employees and employers but also legalized the organizing effort. In this respect it is necessary to mention that the Universal Declaration of Human

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