Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Project Report On Industrial Training - 9125 Words

JK LAKSHMI CEMENT Ltd. SIROHI, RAJASTHAN A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by PRAKHAR WADHAWAN in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FROM AMITY UNIVERSITY NOIDA SEC -125 JK LAKSHMI CEMENT, SIROHI, RAJASTHAN. BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE It is certified that this report on industrial training at JK Lakshmi Cement Plant, Sirohi, Rajasthan is the bonafide work of â€Å"PRAKHAR WADHAWAN† who carried out the training under our guidance. L.B. Sharma B B wadhawan Sr. Manager (Mech.) vice president (engineering) ââ€" ª ACKNOWLEDGEMENT One of the important principle of the universe is each and every individual is unique and different and varies by having his own identity and individuality. The same principal is also applies to the organization .In addition these entities have their own set of values, norms, procedure, practice, which are to be following the day to day work life. My training with J.K. Lakshmi Cement Limited is truly a rewarding and knowledgeable one. At the end it has served the purpose for which it has been designed by making me well acquainted with the practices,Show MoreRelatedAn Innovative Action Oriented Hr Partner1202 Words   |  5 Pagesmajor projects and operational needs. Extensive knowledge of IR/ER, including the setting up of associated frameworks through to advising management, and working in close collaboration with unions. Excellent communication skills and a proactive approach to building relationships both internally and externally. †¢ HR Partnership †¢ Employee Relations †¢ Industrial Relations †¢ Organisational Developments †¢ Change Management †¢ Talent Retention/Attraction †¢ EBA Agreements Negotiations †¢ Training DevelopmentRead MoreCase Study Department716 Words   |  3 Pages FY 2017 Workload: The NPDES inspection personnel spent the majority of time conducting NPDES related activities. A yearly project list was assigned to inspector personnel. 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