Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Lewis And Clark Expedition - 1333 Words

The acquired Louisiana territory doubled the size of America and allowed the boundaries of the country to be extended. This acquisition of land became to be known as the Louisiana Purchase. However, the new and unknown territory had to be explored in order to obtain an accurate sense of the strange land and what resources it had to offer. Jefferson was in need of someone brave enough who would take on the challenge and achieve success. The role best fit the appointed soldier, politician, and public administrator Meriwether Lewis. Lewis turned for assistance and invited the U.S soldier and experienced outdoorsman, William Clark, to share command of this legendary expedition. The explorers marched to the unexpected challenges and experiences that laid within the unfamiliar land. Their contributions to the extraordinary expedition provided valuable information regarding the topography and ecology the Louisiana territory had to offer. Appointed for the Position The Lewis and Clark Expedition covered 8,000 miles (13,000km) and took three years to complete. In order to appoint someone for this challenging position, certain qualities had to be present. Meriwether Lewis was a member of the state militia. After several years of serving, in 1801 he was solicited by President Thomas Jefferson to become his personal secretary. When the Louisiana territory was obtained, Jefferson offered Lewis the lead to an expedition into the unknown land. The purpose for thisShow MoreRelatedLewis and Clark Expedition1018 Words   |  4 PagesJames Jang William and Meriwether, better known as Lewis and Clark, were hired by the U.S. president Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly bought Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was bought from France in 1803. Lewis and Clark started their expedition in 1804 near St. Louis. The group of explorers called themselves the corps of discovery. In the first winter they were helped by a Shoshone Indian named Sacagawea. Their journey was full of trouble and challenges but in the end led to a greatRead MoreThe Lewis And Clark Expedition1415 Words   |  6 PagesCaptain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark put their lives on the line only to return with information regarding the Pacific Northwest of the United States territory. Their reasons behind this journey, being to expand the United States to the West, involved the entire nation but debatably, their accomplishments and the reaction of others became a major part of today’s history. The foremost reason behind the Lewis and Clark expedition was all based on Thomas Jefferson’s, president at the time, interestRead MoreThe Expedition Of Lewis And Clark1270 Words   |  6 PagesWithout the expedition of Lewis and Clark, the American history that people know would be completely different changing the accomplishments in history. The background and experience Lewis and Clark already developed prior to the expedition would be very beneficial and help make the journey easier. The development of the mission played a key part in the expedition itself because if the development did not play out exactly how Jefferson planned, then the expedition may not have been as successful.Read MoreThe Lewis And Clark Expedition1405 Words   |  6 Pages Sacajawea is a renowned Native American woman who played a significant role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. As stated by Brown, â€Å"She turned to dreaming of the future, of what it might hold for Pomp (her son), as she had dreamed of what might lie ahead for her when she had learned she was to be going on the expedition. But it was no dream that she had become a part of history† (110). Although most of her history is unclear, one thing is definite - without the help of Sacajawea, the United StatesRead MoreThe Lewis And Clark Expedition1433 Words   |  6 PagesThe Lewis and Clark expedition was a truth that was to become the crowning accomplishment in the lifetime of the brilliant thinker, inventor, and founding father, Thomas Jefferson . It has become a profounding turning point throughout America’s history. Investigating the recently obtained Louisiana Territory, which nearly doubled the size of the country, arranged Jefferson the opportunity to widen the boundaries of the United States to include both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The threat of theRead MoreThe Lewis And Clark Expedition1424 Words   |  6 Pages On May 14, 1804 in the eastern city of Saint Louis, William Clark a nd Merry-weather Lewis set of on the westward adventure that would change America as we know it today. Their journey began on the Mississippi River, those rapids would propel Lewis and Clark into the Corps of Discovery. Across the vast land that these men would soon travel lived the many native-american tribes. The Native people hunted freely across their western lands, lived their life as one with the ground they so carefullyRead MoreThe Expedition of Lewis and Clark581 Words   |  2 PagesThis report is on Lewis and Clarks adventure through the United States. On May 14,1803 William Clark and nearly four dozen other men met up with Meriwether Lewis on May 20. The Lewis and Clark Expeditio,n The Corps of Discovery began making its way up the †¢. \\?\ \? Missouri on a †¢ss-toot-long ship and two smaller boats. As they traveled,Clark spent most of his time on the ship journaling the course and making maps. Lewis wa s often on the shore, studying the rock formations, soil,animalsRead MoreThe Expedition Of Lewis And Clark1522 Words   |  7 PagesMany people in America know of the historical expedition of Lewis and Clark, but only a few know of the expedition to California led by Jedediah Smith. This expedition took place after Thomas Jefferson signed the papers to acquire a huge region in the west through the Louisiana Purchase. After this expansion many people were eager to explore the west and among those was Jedediah Smith. From his childhood, Smith dreamed one day of exploring the unknown west part of the United States. He once saidRead MoreLewis And Clark Expedition : The Great Expedition2140 Words   |  9 Pages Lewis and Clark Expedition The Lewis and Clark expedition was amongst one of the first major American expeditions. This expedition helped the United States advance in science, land as well as gaining many valuable resources. The Lewis and Clark expedition is also an amazing American story. Lewis and Clark went through extraordinary situations to expedite Americas growth and science. They accomplished this expedition with strenuous encounters with the NativeRead MoreLewis and Clark Expedition Essay926 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper will explain why Lewis and Clark are two of the greatest explorers in American history. Some of the distinguishing factors of these explorers and the three main points in this paper are their exploration of the uncharted west by way of the Missouri river, the many discoveries made along the way, and the effect they had on the westward expansion of the United States. In January 1803, Thomas Jefferson sent a confidential message to Congress asking for approval and funding of the exploration

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